2023 March Madness Pool (Final Standings)

Our agency is having their 12th annual March Madness Pool! We'll give away prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, as well as a free random prize drawing! We would like to thank everyone for participating and hope it's a fun experience! Here are the final standings and winners for this year:
2023 March Madness Pool Final Standings:
1. Matt Griggs: 55 ($50 Visa GC)
2. Dean Maggard: 55 ($25 BW3's GC)
3. Johnny Myers: 47 ($25 Amazon GC)
*Random Prize Drawing: Lauren Hypes ($25 Visa GC)
Office Staff:
1. Rick Pickerell: 56
2. Debbie Marker: 44
3. Carol Unger: 44