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2023 March Madness Pool (Final Four)

Our agency is having their 12th annual March Madness Pool! This year is by far our most participation ever! We'll give away prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, as well as a free random prize drawing! We would like to thank everyone for participating and hope it's a fun experience! Here are the standings as we head into the Final 4.

2023 March Madness Pool Standings: (Final Four)

1. Dean Maggard: 55

Matt Griggs

2. Matt Schatzke: 52

3. Drew Michael: 51

4. Sarah Pickerell: 50

Trey Sagester

Stephanie Vorhis

Laurie Bromagen

5. Shelby Sagester: 49

Troy Hypes

Jeff Michael

Carol Saylor

6. Ginny Schenck: 47

Mindy Brower

Johnny Myers

David Marker

7. Tara Keating: 46

Kelsie Maggard

Diane Day

Rosie Vorhis

Mindy Ferguson

Luke Bromagen

8. Matt Schmidt: 45

Jamie Day

9. Cory Bassler: 44

Ben Cripe

Elli Pickerell

Lauren Hypes

10. Melissa Rieger: 43

Luke Ferguson

Amber Weaver

Riley Maggard

Nikki Barnhardt


Office Staff:

1. Carol Unger: 44

2. Rick Pickerell 38

Traci Sagester

3. Delores Marker: 36

4. Steve Unger: 35

5. Debbie Marker: 33

6. Vanna White: 32

7. Brad Unger: 31

Skyler Simpson: 31


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Roselius Insurance Agency, Inc - 55 E Dayton St. - West Alexandria, OH 45381


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