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2022 March Madness Pool Standings

Our agency is having their 11th annual March Madness Pool! We'll give away prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, as well as a free random prize drawing! We would like to thank everyone for participating and hope it's a fun experience! Here are the standings as we head into the Sweet 16.

2022 March Madness Pool Standings: (Sweet 16)

1. Zach Goeke: 50

2. John Link: 47

3. Dan Shank: 46

4. Garrett Denlinger: 45

Bob Brower

5. Dustin Knoedler: 44

Sean Bassler

Sarah Pickerell

Nikki Barnhart

Elli Pickerell

Matt Schatzke

6. Shawn Bromagen: 43

Brooklyn Bromagen

Rylee Sagester

Shelby Sagester

Laurie Bromagen

Gracen Vorhis

Johnny Myers

Derek Day

Dustin Ferguson

7. Amanda Ferguson: 42

Luke Ferguson

Luke Schatzke

Jamie Day

Rosie Vorhis

Stephanie Vorhis

Lauren Hypes

8. David Marker: 41

Todd Langley

Sydney Brower

Mindy Brower

Dave Roberts

9. Diane Day: 40

Brady Pickerell

RJ Griffen

Eli Ferguson

Luke Bromagen

10. Graham Ferguson: 39

Kyler Maggard

Ginny Schenck

Dean Maggard

Micah Pickerell

Chad Vorhis

11. Adam G. 38

Josh Sagester

Amanda Kopf

12. D. Davis: 37

13. Chris Kopf 36

Trey Sagester

Troy Hypes

Zeb Music

14. Carson Brewer: 35

Jerry Prater

Charlie Gullickson

15. Kelsie Maggard: 34

16. Jason Hypes: 33

17. Austin Brower: 32

Matt Griggs

Jaden Vorhis

18. Lily Vorhis: 30

Kali Maggard

Office Staff:

1. Traci Sagester: 42

2. Skyler Conklin: 41

3. Rick Pickerell: 40

4. Vanna White: 39

5. Debbie Marker: 39

6. Carol Unger: 39

7. Brad Unger: 38

8. Delores Marker: 38

9. Steve Unger: 32

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