2017 March Madness Contest Final Standings

We would like to thank everyone for participating and hope you all have fun! Here are the final standings in our 2017 March Madness Contest! The winners of the Top 3 prizes are listed:
2017 March Madness Contest Final Standings
1. Brady Pickerell: 87 ($50 Visa Gift Card)
2. Jarrod Brumbaugh: 85 ($25 BW3's Gift Card)
3. Mindy Swigart: 84 ($10 Buckeye Jake's Gift Card)
4. Sarah Pickerell: 84
5. Trey Sagester: 80
Andy Hakes
Staff Picks:
1. Carol Unger: 77
2. Debbie Marker: 69
3. Delores Marker: 65
Steve Unger
Dave Roberts
Tommy Hayes
Rick Pickerell
4. Vanna White: 60
5. Brad Unger: 52